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Abadan Silicon Carbide and Aluminum Oxide Production Complex (ABASIC) is one of the newest SiC manufacturers in the world and the only production complex of it's kind in the Middle East. After many trials and experiments, the plant began operations in 1995 geared for the production of both SiC and Aluminum Oxide. The SiC production was increased in 3 phrases from 1997 through to 2006. Reaching a production limit of approximately 15'000 tons per year in 2006. The ABASIC plant is located in the southwestern province of Khuzestan out side the island city of Abadan. Encompassing 42'000 square meters, the Abadan complex host a variety building and sectors. These include the furnace units, packaging and crushing units, onsite mechanical supporting units, raw material warehouse, final material warehouse, research and development Building, and Administrative offices.


Address: NO.101,EBNE SINA ST.,SEYED JAMALEDIN ASAD ABADI AVE.-TEHRAN Postal Code: Website: http://www.abasic.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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